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Veterans’ Affairs Office

The Baraga County Veterans’ Affairs Office provides guidance for life-long healthcare services to eligible military veterans, including but not limited to:

1. Application for assistance and needed document requests

2. Pension Claims

3. Application for Veteran’s Administration Medical Coverage

4. Applications for Aid and Attendance

5. Applications for the State of Michigan Veteran’s Fund

These are just a few programs offered by the Veterans Administration. It is very important to note that some of these benefits are not limited to the veteran, but may also be extended to the veteran’s spouse.

There are formal periods of war in which service must have occurred for some, but not all, benefits. These are the eligibility periods:

World War II
December 71h, 1941 to December 31 51 , 1946

Korean War
June 271h, 1950 to January 31st, 1955

Vietnam Conflict
August 61h, 1964 to May 71h, 1975 and “in country” from February 281h, 1961

Gulf War and Iraq /Afghanistan Wars
All Active-duty

It is very important to note that if you had previously been denied a claim for any service connected disability for any reason, but especially as a result of the Vietnam Conflict, you should contact the Baraga County Veterans Affairs Office for any updates to these claims!


Baraga County Veterans Affairs Office new location is at
Baraga County Administration Building,
2 S. Main Street,
L’Anse, Michigan

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8am-4pm.

Anyone who is housebound or can’t make it into the office can call and the Veteran Service Office will come and see them at their house.

Service Officer

Douglas Gray USMC
GySgt (Ret)
